Estimate Properties - General Tab Screen

Use this screen to edit general information on the estimate.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Number of lines This is the total number of lines in the current estimate. You do not have access to this field.
Estimate Total $ The value in this field is the gross total amount for repairs.
Over Total Loss Threshold This value indicates if the total of the estimate exceeds the Total Loss ceiling. If the field contains N/A, no Total Loss Threshold is available.
Estimate Sequence

This is sequence order of lines in relation to the vehicle. Valid values are: Front to Back, Back to Front, and None.

This option allows you to change the estimate lines sequence before the first estimate line is added to the estimate.

First Name

This is the first name of the logged in user who created the workfile.

Last Name

This is the last name of the logged in user who created the workfile.

Advisor Report Requested This indicates whether or not an advisor report was requested by the user. The Advisor Request is made by selecting the Advisor tab from the database panel, and then clicking on the Click Here to get Advisor Report link.
Vehicle Database Date The database date of the chapter you are currently using. The date is taken from the current database. If the estimate is for a generic vehicle, this field is blank. You do not have access to this field.
MOTOR Chapter The MOTOR chapter number associated with the vehicle for which you are creating the estimate. If this estimate is for a generic vehicle, the field displays #CAR, #VAN, or #PICKUP. If this estimate is for a generic motorcycle, the field displays #MOTORCYCLE, #SCOOTER, or #ATV. The chapter is taken from the current database. You do not have access to this field.

The CCC identification number for the vehicle. If the estimate is for a generic vehicle, this field is blank. The data in this field is taken from the database on your CD. You do not have access to this field.

Include Labor Hours on the Estimate Report

This option allows you to print the Estimate Report data in hours and dollars or in dollars only.

OK Select this to save the information and close the screen.
Cancel This option closes the screen without saving.


Estimate Properties - General Tab

See Also

Viewing the Estimate Properties General Tab







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